You’re Not Gonna Like What Paul Stanley Thinks About NFL Players Kneeling…


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Paul Stanley Gives His Thoughts On A Controversial Issue…

Even amidst the end of this past NFL season, the topic of football players kneeling during the national anthem is still a hot-button issue. So much so that celebrities from all different platforms have commented on it at one point or another. Whether it’d be actors, political commentators, politicians themselves, athletes, or even musicians, no one has kept silent on this matter. In fact, musicians in particular have probably been the most vocal…


So far we’ve heard from such musicians as Ted Nugent, Kid Rock, Neil Young, and many others on this topic and it’s pretty split. Musicians such as Neil Young or Jon Bon Jovi support the kneeling, whereas musicians such as Ted Nugent or Kid Rock are against it. Then there’s Paul Stanley

If you know anything about Paul, you’ll know that he is an outspoken patriot. Along with his KISS band mates, Paul is a frequent contributor to helpful causes that benefit U.S. vets. So you’d think he’d be all the more against players kneeling. Well, you might be surprised to hear what he had to say about the matter in this video below…