Teen Has Never Heard The Blues Before- Pianist Shows Him What He’s Been Missing


Youtube / Brendan Kavanagh


Kids, learn from the pro!

Teenagers today don’t have any idea about what great music really is. What’s trending today are all the pop-electro-synthesized music that can really showcase nothing against the classics – blues and boogie-woogie. Well, that all changed when professional pianist incognito Dr K (aka Brendan Kavanagh), gave these clueless teens about what blues and boogie-woogie is really all about.

Dressed in a black hoodie and dark sunglasses, Dr K approaches a confused teenager sitting on a public piano and asked,


“Do you know boogie woogie? Do you know blues and rock n’ roll?”

To which the young man answered,

“No idea.”

What ensues next is a brilliant, elaborate demonstration of a blues and boogie-woogie piano exhibition of Dr K on the public piano on Platform 88. Dr K has been known to perform on public pianos undercover. As seen in his other videos, Dr K has been seen dressed as a police officer or construction worker when he suddenly sits on public or even abandoned pianos at random spots across London.

This time, Dr K performed on #Platform88 in support of public music making across the underground network with Transport for London and entertaining the travelers with mindblowing surprise performances that have gone viral online.

For quite some time he had gone undercover while doing these public surprise piano performance before he revealed his identity just recently in the Spring of 2018.




When Dr K encountered a couple of teenagers who had never heard of the blues, boogie-woogie, and rock n roll, he made sure the lesson comes across and beyond. When he rocked a mean blues riff, people crowded and started filming his performance. The two teenagers couldn’t help but be embarrassed about their lack of blues and boogie-woogie awareness but surely now Dr K has made sure that changed!

This is just raw talent (and a little bit of a comedic touch) at its best. Give a follow to Brendan Kavanagh Youtube Channel here.