Badfinger’s 1972 Performance Of “Baby Blue” Will Make You Smile… Then Cry


mikecarter79 / YouTube


A Nice Trip Down Memory Lane!

Badfinger is the kind of band that no matter where you are or what you’re doing, they will always give you a MASSIVE sense of nostalgia. Badfinger are also a band that has had back luck over the years, with inner turmoil and even suicide halting them at every turn, this is a band that not only will strike nostalgia, but pure sadness.

(GERMANY OUT) Die englische Musikgruppe “Badfinger” während ihres ersten Hamburg-Besuchs (v.l.n.r.): Tom Evans, Mike, Pete und Joey. Alle vier Musiker haben sich je einen Finger mit Mullbinden umwickelt und zeigen mit den verbundenen Fingern in die Kamera.
. (Photo by Peter Timmullstein bild via Getty Images)

One thing you can count on though, is their amazing music, AND their live performances. Case in point, 1972!


Fun Fact: This was the song that was playing during the final scene EVER of the hit TV series ‘Breaking Bad’!

British rock band, Badfinger, filming a performance of ‘Day After Day’ to be used as an insert for the ‘Top Of The Pops’, music show, BBC Television Centre, London, 26th January 1972. It is unclear whether the segment was ever broadcast. Left to right: Mike Gibbins (1949 – 2005), Pete Ham (1947 – 1975), Tom Evans (1947 – 1983) and Joey Molland. (Photo by Michael Putland/Getty Images)

What you’re about to watch is Badfinger take the stage and perform their hit song “Baby Blue”. This song will definitely make you feel like you’re riding in the front seat of a car with you head sticking out and your tongue flapping in the wind like a dog. Well, that’s what I imagine, anyway.