After 59 Years, Beach Boys’ Brian Wilson Finally Gets The ‘A’ He Deserves


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It’s About Damn Time!

Imagine that you’re a music teacher and you ask your students to write a song for an assignment. One student turns in a composition and you give it an F, only to find out that the song would earn millions of dollars and become a classic hit. Boy, you sure feel stupid, don’t you? That’s exactly what happened to Fred Morgan, the music teacher of Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys.


Back in 1959, Brian turned in a composition to his teacher, but his teacher Fred Morgan gave the composition an F. That composition turned out to be the hit Beach Boys song “Surfin’”. However, after 59 years, Dr. Landesfeind of the same school has turned that grade into an A. Brain Wilson said this about the occasion.

“Brian’s high school music teacher Fred Morgan: “Brian wrote a composition for me and it turned out to be ‘Surfin.’ That composition got an F, but it made a million dollars.” Brian’s failing grade has now been changed to an A on this assignment by Dr. Landesfeind!”

Justice has been served!