8 Ways To Annoy Rude Guitar Center Employees


via Paranormal Guitar Channel/YouTube


This Will Work On Any Guitar Enthusiast Too LOL

Actually, scratch that. Anyone who loves rock ‘n roll will find this irritating and will have them throwing anything in frustration. Just listening to him mess up some classics or “not progress” makes us want to grab his guitar and just do it for him! Man, even the nicest and most patient Guitar Center employees will surely lose their mind over it!

Fun Fact: Guitar Center has 269 locations and its headquarters is located in Westlake Village, California. It was founded in 1959 and originally called The Organ Center.


It’s like nails on a chalkboard – there’s no surer way to irritate ANYONE who loves his music than by doing this. You will need to do some breathing exercises while watching this video because we guarantee you, this is seriously effective in trolling people and not just rude employees. You can’t listen to this and NOT frown, at the very least.