12-Year-Old Girl Can Melt Faces With Shredding Guitar Skills – This Girl Is From Another Planet


Little Big Shots Aus / YouTube


Lisa-X Has A Bright Future Ahead Of Her!

How often is it that you come across a young child that is able to blow you away with his/her musical talent? Not very often, I’d imagine. Luckily, these days, there are shows like The X-Factor, America’s Got Talent, and so on and so forth that showcase these amazing young talents.


One such show is called Little Big Shots.

This show is dedicated specifically to showcasing youngsters who have amazing hidden talents that most adults can not even achieve. Each child that appears on this show is amazing and the crowd goes crazy every time. Here’s the proof!

What you’re about to watch is a video in which YouTube sensation Lisa-X takes to the stage on Little Big Shots and performs a ripping guitar solo. To put it simply, the crowd’s reaction tells the whole story! Don’t believe me? See for yourself!