3 Metal Guitarists Transform A Mozart Songs Into Into A Shred-Tastic Masterpiece


GarrettJPeters / YouTube


Three Times As Awesome!

If you’re a guitarist and you really want to play something truly challenging yet awesome, look no further than classical music, particularly songs written by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. You’d be surprised just how well Mozart’s music translates to heavy metal. After all, the two genres are very similar both using tritones, arpeggios, fast leading melodies, and so on and so forth…


If you were to go online, you would find that there are already many amazing heavy metal covers of these classical songs, and this time around is certainly no different as Mozart’s “Rondo Alla Turca” was just taken to the next level!

What you’re about to watch is a video in which a three guitarists named Garrett J. PetersAndy Gillion, and Taylor Washington all perform the aforementioned song “Rondo Alla Turca” in heavy metal form. To put it simply, this is just the coolest thing you’ll see all day! Don’t believe me? See for yourself!